
Second Round


Second round of errors fixed.

Well, it’s more like fifth round. It was a hard week.

I added planet’s colonisation.

Order Manager (logic for player’s orders) resulted to be the hardest.

Recently it got rewritten into enum states (NoSelectedUnit, ActiveUnit_Dragging, UnitToConfirmPath), which solved some problems.

That’s also first class to have designated “old backup” folder for old logic. Truly gracious.

UI will be the hardest

“UI will be the biggest challenge:” I remember saying when I was planning the project. “Either UI or Marketing…”

For now the UI is really the hardest. We’ll see about marketing.

The fact that you have left menu where you select ships, and selected ship in galaxy makes everything intertwined. Not to mention auto-move at the end of your turn.

Yep, it’s a challenge.

Hopefully, after second rewrite, the things seem to work without freezing or errors (hurray!).

I need art

I need to start art work.

I don’t mean I need art. Everything will come in due time.

I mean I need to stop fixing bugs. I got burned out this weekend.

I need to sit to MidJourney and generate some beautiful concept arts. I need to see colour propositions. I need to start searching for UI assets.

I want to take a break from debugging, and playing the game over and over again.

It’s good it’s Christmas in two weeks.

And the end of this year is my personal deadline to start pitching the game.

For which you need art. You don’t want them to be like “I’ve seen this graphics somewhere, are you sure you have copyright to this art?”

So… let’s hope at the end of the year I will have art like this: